How to Melt and Reuse Candle Wax in New Projects

Our easy melt-and-pour method will help you save every last bit of your favorite candle.

candles in different holders

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Admitting that your favorite candle has burned down so far that it can't be relit is a sad moment, but there's always a silver lining—the wax can be reused. Whether you're at the end of a jarred candle, a pillar, or a taper, you can melt the remaining wax and use it in a variety of ways, from adding it to a candle warmer to making gift-worthy floral wax sachets. Ahead, we're sharing a few easy projects that let you use every last bit of the fragrant or colorful wax from your most beloved candles.

How to Melt Candle Wax

melt-and-pour candle wax
Courtesy of Brown Bird Design

Before you can reuse leftover wax for DIY projects, you first need to melt it and remove it from its current vessel. Prep the wax by rubbing liquid paraffin on it, as this can help release it from the jar.

Use the Double Boil Method

Melt the remaining wax by placing your candle in a small pot. Place the small pot inside a larger pot filled with water. Bring the water to a simmer. Different types of wax have different melting points, ranging from 100 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit, so it may take some waxes longer to melt than others. Once the wax is melted, remove old wicks with tongs and toss them out.

Use Hot Water

To remove small amounts of wax from a jar or candle holder, turn to your sink. "Wax drippings can be removed from most candleholders by running hot water over them," says Kathy LaVanier, president of the National Candle Association (NCA).

Use Your Oven

Another way to melt candle wax is in the oven. To do so, preheat the oven to its lowest setting and place the jar inside, removing any labels or stickers first. Once the wax is melted, scoop it out and reuse it, says Kristen Pumphrey, founder of P.F. Candle Co.

How to Freeze Candle Wax

Another way to remove candle wax beyond melting it is to place the jar or candle holder in the freezer. "This allows the wax to shrink and easily pop out when the candleholder is removed from the freezer," says LaVanier. "Never use a knife or a sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass votive holder. It might scratch or weaken the glass, causing it to break upon subsequent use."

Don't ever put a jarred candle in the microwave. The discs that attach a wick to a holder are made of metal.

5 Ways to Reuse Candle Wax

Before tackling these DIY projects, keep in mind what type of wax you are melting. According to LaVanier, candles come in paraffin wax, synthetic wax, soy wax, coconut wax, palm wax, beeswax, stearic acid, and gelled mineral oil varieties. If you're combining the remnants of several candles, make they are all the same type of wax.

Make a Votive Candle

making candles

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Make your own votives for yourself and loved ones from reused wax.

  1. Cut a piece of wicking, available at craft stores, 2 inches taller than the votive holder.
  2. Knot one end and thread through a wick tab (also available at crafts stores); tie the free end around a wooden skewer.
  3. Dip wicking and tab into the melted wax to coat them.
  4. Remove, then press the tab to the bottom of the holder, and rest the skewer on the votive's rim.
  5. Pour melted wax into the votive holder, stopping a 1/2 inch below rim. Let stand until it sets, about one hour. To even the well at the center, pour more wax into the center until it's a 1/4 inch below the rim.

Make a Teacup Candle

china sugar bowl reused as candle container
Ashley Poskin

Instead of a plain votive holder, follow the same instructions as above—but pour your melted wax over a new wick nestled in a vintage teacup.

Make Wax Melts

wax melts diy

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A candle warmer heats small pieces of wax, called wax melts, to release a delicate fragrance. "Leftover wax from a candle that can no longer be burned can be removed from the jar and put into a wax melter for homemade melts," says Pumphrey.

  1. Pour the wax into small molds of your choosing.
  2. Let the wax harden.
  3. Remove the wax from the mold.

Make Floral Wax Sachets


This floral wax sachet project is easy to make and the final result is beautiful If you're using the remains of several scented candles for this project, make sure the combination of aromas will meld well.

  1. Pour the wax into a small mold of your choosing.
  2. Add a few drops of essential oil.
  3. Place pressed flowers in the wax.
  4. Let the wax harden.
  5. Remove the wax from the mold.

Make Wax Fire Starters

wax fire starters

Ashley Poskin

These fire starters, which were dreamed up by Ashley Poskin, are made from wax flakes, cedar shavings, and dried flowers and herbs. They make it easy to create a cozy glow in your fireplace without the need for an armload of kindling.

  1. Gather herbs and spices you want to use in your fire starters and break them into smaller pieces that will fit into the carton's cups.
  2. Set the egg carton on a sheet pan lined with wax paper.
  3. Pack the bottom of each cup with cedar shavings. Be sure not to overfill, but get enough in there so that the melted wax won't flow right out through the bottom.
  4. Fill each cup with a handful of dried spices and herbs, then cut a 2-inch length of cotton wick, and add one to each cup.
  5. Slowly pour a small amount of melted wax into each cup, covering just the bottom layer of cedar shavings. Continue to fill the cups, making sure the wick doesn't fall in or get covered in wax.
  6. Once the wax dries, you can cut out each individual cup and place in a dry place or waterproof canister for storage.
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