How to Make a Doggie Dinosaur Costume

All you need for this no-sew pet costume is a T-shirt and some felt.

Dog in a dino costume

Bryan Gardner

Help your pet get into the Halloween spirit by fashioning them this no-sew dinosaur costume, which is made from a shirt and felt. We used a child-size tank top, but you can use any T-shirt or a pet-specific garment that fits your canine. The spiky spine comes together quickly when you use our template, which gets traced onto felt, cut out, and threaded through slits in the shirt. In just a few minutes, your furry friend will have a costume that's trick-or-treating worthy.

What You'll Need


  • Template
  • Disappearing-ink pen
  • Scissors
  • One 18-by-18-inch square wool felt
  • T-shirt or tank top


  1. Trace spiky spine template on felt:

    Dino costume

    Martha Stewart

    Print template. Cut out the spiky spine template. Using the disappearing-ink pen, trace the spikes of the spine onto felt. Cut around the spikes, leaving them attached to the felt as shown.

  2. Trace slit template on felt:

    Cut through the slits in the slit template. Place it on the shirt, and trace lines through the slits. Snip out the slits on the shirt. 

  3. Pull spikes through the slits:

    Place the felt strip inside the shirt. Pull the spikes through the slits so they stand up.

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