20 Flowering Indoor Plants That Will Brighten Up Your Home

From bold seasonal flowers to options that deliver year-round color, these flowering plants are pretty additions to your windowsills and hanging pots.

indoor flowering violets

Ludmila Kapustkina / GETTY IMAGES

The only thing better than a gorgeous leafy green houseplant is one that produces beautiful blooms indoors. Peace lilies, orchids, roses, geraniums, and other indoor flowering plants offer the best of both worlds: Gorgeous foliage year round and seasonal pops of color when their petals burst into bloom. Here, discover the best flowering varieties to grow indoors—as well as a few shopping, care, and bloom tips to help the plant you pick thrive.

Shopping for Flowering Indoor Plants

When shopping for indoor flowering plants, look for ones with more buds than flowers to ensure they have more time to bloom, says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf, author of Houseplant Party: Fun Projects & Growing Tips for Epic Indoor Plants. "Inspect the plant to make sure it appears fresh and bug-free," she says. "Don't let the flowers distract you from the actual plant—it needs to be healthy in order for the flowers to bloom." One way to ensure your purchases are healthy is to use a quality plant subscription service.

Caring for Flowering Indoor Plants

Once you bring your flowering plant home, it will require specific growing conditions to flourish, explains Joyce Mast of Bloomscape.


The watering needs are the same for most indoor plants, says Mast. "Monitor your plant's soil by pushing your finger about 2 to 3 inches down to see if it is damp," she says. "If it feels dry, water your plant thoroughly, allowing the water to flow from the drainage holes—but make sure there's no water trapped inside the pot (or pot cover) or else the roots may drown."


Lighting requirements will depend on the specific plant. "Generally most indoor flowering plants are able to reside in various lighting situations in your home, even in direct sunlight," Mast says.

Blooming Frequency

Not all plants flower easily—even inside—so you should opt for a plant with leaves you can appreciate on their own. "Some houseplants might take years to produce blooms, so you should take pleasure in them as foliage plants first and foremost, and then take any flowers as a bonus!" says Dr. Katie Cooper, founder of Bloombox Club.

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bright pink bromeliad plant
Getty/ Daniela Duncan

If you're looking for an indoor-friendly plant that produces brightly-colored blooms, Mast suggests bromeliads. "They come in a variety of vibrant colors and the blooms can last up to three months," she says. "They are easy to care for and only require watering every two weeks or so."

Flowering frequency: Bromeliads produce just one flower during their lifespan, but the colorful foliage adds a tropical element to your indoor garden.

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African Violet

african violet flowers

izzzy71 / GETTY IMAGES

For a flowering houseplant that doesn't require full sun, Steinkopf says to consider African violets. "These fuzzy-leaved African natives are perfect for an east window or under electric lights," she explains. "Keep them evenly moist by using a well-drained potting medium."

Flowering frequency: Repeatedly throughout the year in the correct conditions

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Aeschynanthus Lipstick Vine

Aeschynanthus Lipstick Vine

BoValentino / GETTY IMAGES

Commonly known as a "lipstick" plant, the Aeschynanthus lipstick vine has pointy, waxy leaves and produces blooms with clusters of bright red flowers. "The red flowers of the lipstick plant look like they're being pushed out of a lipstick tube," Cooper explains. "To ensure better blooms, place your lipstick plants in partial shade, so they receive bright light for at least a few hours a day."

Flowering frequency: Most often in summer and fall, but can flower throughout the year with proper care

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orange and pink chrysanthemum flowers

According to Mast, chrysanthemums are an ideal plant for growing indoors. "They require very little care other than keeping the soil moist and making sure the pot has good drainage," she explains. "The blooms generally last three to four weeks and come in a variety of bold colors."

Flowering frequency: Chrysanthemums bloom once, in late summer or early fall

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In the market for a flowering plant that you can show off in a plant hanger or on a shelf? Mast says to look no further than Zygocactus, popularly known as Christmas cactus. "Zygos are unique cacti that feature long segmented vines that will spill over the pot, and in the early winter, they produce beautiful red blooms at the end of their vines," she explains. "They can take the full sunlight and do not require much water."

Flowering frequency: A Christmas cactus blooms for four to six weeks; growers can force the flowers at a certain time by providing the correct temperature and amount of sunlight and darkness.

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Crown of Thorns

crown of thorn succulent plant
Getty Images

The succulent cousin of the poinsettia plant, Euphorbia milii, known as crown of thorns, produces small, colorful blooms. "Use a well-drained potting medium and allow the plant to dry between watering," Steinkopf advises. "They flower best in full sun, so place them in a south or west-facing window."

Flowering frequency: Blooms repeatedly throughout the year

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flaming katy succulent
Getty Images

A popular flowering houseplant, kalanchoes produce a plethora of colorful rosette-like blooms, Mast says. "This is a succulent-like plant, so it doesn't require much water," she says. "They do well in bright sun, so set them on a windowsill facing south or west."

Flowering frequency: Naturally in late winter to early spring, as the amount of daylight increases; can re-bloom indoors in the fall

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cyclamen with pink blooms

Margarita Zhilova / 500px / GETTY IMAGES

Mast says cyclamen are an easy-to-grow blooming houseplant that produces bright, heart-shaped blooms that can last up to eight weeks when given the right growing conditions. "Keep the soil moist and make sure there is no standing water in the pot," she says. "Some varieties have sweetly scented blooms."

Flowering frequency: Blooms for several weeks, once annually, in late winter and early spring; can be encouraged to re-bloom in fall

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Snake Plants

snake plants on table


Believe it or not, Cooper says your Sansevieria "snake" plants are capable of producing blooms. "Revered for being 'unkillable,' snake plants look rough and tough but they can surprise you with flowers, even if you've had them for years without seeing any," she says. Make sure to place yours in bright indirect light and water them every ten days to provide the best growing conditions.

Flowering frequency: Only older plants bloom—and rarely—but with full sun and dry soil, the plant can produce flowers in late winter and early spring

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anthurium with red flowers


Known for their large, heart-shaped leaves and romantic white blooms, anthuriums are unfussy and easy to care for indoors. "These beauties will thrive in a warm and bright spot in your home with a bit of extra humidity, but can tolerate low to bright indirect light," Mast says.

Flowering frequency: Blooms appear throughout the year, with each lasting about six weeks

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Hoya Linearis

hoya linearis indoor plant

imagenavi / GETTY IMAGES

Commonly known as "wax plants," Hoya Linearis has long, flowing vines that produce tiny blooms seasonally. "This plant can surprise you with little white flowers that have the appearance of tealights and smell like honeysuckle," Cooper says.

Flowering frequency: Mature plants flower annually in late summer and early fall

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Aechmea Blue Rain

Aechmea Blue Rain
Getty / Yoyochow23

A unique and popular bromeliad with brightly colored foliage, the Aechmea "Blue Rain" plants produces bright red, pink, purple, and white flowers that can grow up to 40 centimeters tall. "The Blue Rain will transport you to the tropics in an instant," Copper says.

Flowering frequency: Like other bromeliads, the plant flowers only once, though it sets small offshoots that can produce flowers when propagated

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Aphelandra Squarrosa

Aphelandra Squarrosa

Also known as the "zebra plant," the Aphelandra squarrosa is a brightly patterned foliage plant that produces little yellow bracts that last up to eight months. "As well as sporting bright, yellow flowers, these plants have gorgeous striped leaves in deep green and white," Cooper says.

Flowering frequency: Typically blooms annually in the fall, but can be forced to flower in other seasons

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gardenia flower white
Kristin Lee/Getty

Beloved for their beautiful fragrance, fragrant gardenias are perennials that can be grown both indoors and outdoors, says Alfred Palomares, the vice president of merchandising and resident plant dad for The Plant Shop at 1-800-Flowers.com. "This blooming plant has bright, waxy white petals that boldly stand out among its evergreen leaves," he says.

Flowering frequency: Annually in spring and summer

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Rose Plants

rose plant indoors

Galina Zhigalova / GETTY IMAGES

If you are looking for a traditional flowering plant to grow indoors, try a classic rose plant. "Blooming in different shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, purple, and more, this popular perennial can be purchased year round," Palomares says.

Flowering frequency: Annually from late spring through fall

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indoor vase of hydrangeas

natalie_board / GETTY IMAGES

For a flowering indoor plant that provides ample amounts of color, consider growing hydrangeas in containers. "Hydrangea varieties grow in shades of blues, pinks, purples, and whites, and make a high impact in any space," Palomares says. "Just remember that this plant requires full sun to partial shade in order to thrive—so be sure to place it in a south-facing window or under grow lights as needed."

Flowering frequency: Can bloom annually indoor with the right care, allowing for a cooler dormant period in fall and winter

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Peace Lilies

Sensation Peace Lily
Getty / Yaroslav Mikheev

Well known for their air-purifying abilities, peace lilies are flowering houseplants with dark green leaves and white bracts that grow hooded over little flowers. Place your peace lily plant in medium light if you want it to produce more flowers, or in low light if you prefer more foliage.

Flowering frequency: Blooms in the spring with flowers lasting about eight weeks; can re-flower throughout the year with proper care

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pink geranium blooms


If you thought geraniums could only be grown outdoors, think again. Available in several varieties and colors, potted geraniums can be grown indoors throughout the year as long as they receive at least six hours of direct sunlight, or about 14 hours of artificial grow light, every day.

Flowering frequency: Can flower throughout the year with proper care

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clivia flower

Aygul Bulte / GETTY IMAGES

Native to South Africa, clivia plants are famous for their trumpet-like blooms that range in color from pale orange to red. Outdoors, they require lots of shade to grow, but inside they prefer bright, indirect light to thrive as container plants—so take care to place them in a south or west-facing window.

Flowering frequency: Annually in winter, with blooms lasting several weeks

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Phalaenopsis Orchids

purple phalaenopsis orchid in white pot
Getty/ Natalie Board / EyeEm

Affordable and easy to find, Phalaenopsis orchids, also known as moth orchids, produce stunning sprays of flowers that can last for months. "Water approximately once a week, removing the plant from the decorative pot, and take it to the sink to run water through the pot until the medium is thoroughly moistened," says Steinkopf.

Flowering frequency: Flowers last for several months, with the plant blooming several times during the year

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